Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yin Yoga

This is not us, but gives a good idea of what
yin yoga looks like.
I have been in and out of different types of yoga classes on and off for years.  I always have wanted to have Chris give it a try, but he refused again and again despite my efforts.  A few weeks ago Chris hurt his back, and after hearing about a yin yoga class I wanted to try, he finally agreed to come with me to yoga.  Yin yoga is a very calm and soothing type of yoga.  The purpose is to have long deep supported stretching and to have a restful and relaxing practice.  The class uses props such as blankets, bolsters, straps, and blocks to use to support your body as needed in each pose.  Most of the poses are on the floor and are held for 3-5 minutes.

Chris loved the class, as it provided him some relief from his hurt back.  I loved the stretches not only for my back, but also for my hips and legs which have been tight since beginning running again.  Plus it doesn't hurt that the class is so relaxing that all I really want to do once I'm done is crawl right into bed.  Chris actually signed up for a whole month of classes under a promotion for new students and has gone again with me - and we are planning another trip this afternoon.  It has actually been wonderful to be able to share a class with him and to go through the experience of doing something good for ourselves together.  Thanks honey for being willing to give it a try - I've loved being a new Yogi with you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How can folks uncover certified lose 20 lbs in 3 weeks schedules? Luna Trim I find that works the best for me. Do you do so manually, or do you use fastest way to lose weight?