Friday, April 15, 2011


My friend N modeling the Orchids for L's delivery room
The baby isn't here yet for my dear friend L.  She is working on hour 48 now.  Today the gang from work brainstormed how to send support.  We decided flowers and card with our well wishes might be a nice way to pretty up the delivery room and remind L that we are all thinking of her and hoping  & praying for a safe delivery for her and little S.  I got to have the honor of picking out flowers and discovered the most lovely shade of purply pink live orchids in a flower shop in Palo Alto.  After dinner and card signing I made my way over to the hospital.  I was able to deliver in person, give a hand squeeze, and let her know we are all love her, the baby, and her family.  She is so brave, there are some health complications for her, but she is powering through without pain medication.  My thoughts are with her, please send safe baby vibes into the Universe for L.

Update 12:54 AM - Baby S has arrived.  Mom and baby are doing okay.  Please keep sending out those safe baby vibes for quick recovery for both.  Thanks!

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