Wednesday, December 9, 2009

cold snap

The Bay Area has been visited by cold snap, just in time to get us all in the mood for the impending holidays. Monday morning I stepped out the door and was greeted by a definite chill in the air. I hopped onto the highway and looked up to the surrounding hills and was greeted by heavy layer of SNOW(!) glowing white from the tops halfway down the slopes. Amazing and rare. Tuesday morning I spent 5 minutes scraping ice of the car windshield. I stole Chris's covered parking spot last night and avoided ice again today. Working outdoors for 3-5 hours a day in the chilly air (33 degrees this morning) has been a fun difference, though my nose may beg to differ. My goal is to stay warm for the next few days and then zoom off to the desert with Chris on the 19th to visit my Mom and her husband Bob for Christmas. It still gets cold in Tucson, but hopefully we will be able to eat lunch on the porch and hike in the afternoon without bundling up.

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