Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Happy Solstice everyone! On Sunday our friends L&M invited us over to their house for a Solstice party. We had a lovely dinner, wine, and lots of good music, talk, and laughter. L and her family have a tradition of writing wishes and goals for the coming year, or notes of thanks on pieces of paper and tucking them into the Yule Log, then burning the Log in the fire.

Then your thanks, goals, and wishes are heard, and will come to fruition. We had a warning to be sure about what we were wishing for, and all of us filled out a few pieces of origami paper and tucked them into the Log.

Then L&M placed the Log on the fire and we all sat and watched it burn. Presents and more wine followed. Stories were told. Games were played. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of lengthening daylight; the promise of sun, spring, and hopefully, a few of those wishes.

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